Last Sunday June 23rd, 2019 Deputy Chief Miles Young performed his last duty as Battalion 507. Chief Young joined the Dumfries -Triangle Volunteer Fire Department in 1970. Chief Young stated: "It was fun and a good crew over the weekend from Friday to Monday morning; everyone be safe and don’t forget your safety vest while out in traffic on the interstate or any road as far as that goes."
Members of the Dumfries-Triangle Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank Chief Young for his nearly 50 years of service to the community. Enjoy your retirement in Florida!
Miles, Thank you for being our Chief and your close to 50 years with DTVFD. Enjoy your second retirement.
Respectfully Vince Kern 030063.
Vince Kern
July 03, 2019 at 3:26 AM
Miles, Thank you for being our Chief and your close to 50 years of service with DTVFD. It was a pleasure to serve with you. Enjoy your second retirement! Respectfully, Vince Kern 030063.
Shane Threatt
August 07, 2019 at 1:56 PM
Enjoy Miles!
John Kriska
December 09, 2019 at 11:54 AM
Congratulations Miles on your retirement. Enjoyed my time serving with you at DTVFD back in 1977-1979.
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